Monday, 8 March 2010

Achk! I just wrote a reallly long post with like a hundred and ten html tags, which then somehow disappeared seconds before blogger did it's auto-save thing and promptly saved a blank page!


Since reading this post on blogging jealousy I have been thinking about how I am guilty of feeling jealous when I read certain blogs. I am jealous of the lovely lives, great photography and their 100+ comments at the end of the page. It is not a *nasty* kind of jealousy, please understand, more an aspirational kind of jealousy. The blogs I read and the 'perfect lives' documented within them inspire me. They help me shape my own blog, they give me courage and ideas for my own life. Sometimes after reading a couple of pages I my whole outlook is changed for a whole day, or sometimes forever. I often read posts I am still thinking about days later, for this I don't say thankyou often enough.

As it is International Women's Day today I would like to celebrate some of my favourite blogs, those blogs that inspire me as a mother, an artist, a writer, wife, photographer, blogger, entrepreneur.

Dear Baby - I think of this blog like a slice of sunshine. Melissa's lovely pictures and stories of her adventures with a new baby have made me fall in love with San Francisco, the colour yellow and life in general. I always smile when reading.

Raising Foodies - this will be me in a few years. Kid friendly recipes and the *cutest* little cooks, this is so much more than just another foodie blog and that's why I love it.

Hip Hostess - there are some uber-blogs out there that I almost feel no point in commenting on, not so with Hip Hostess. I fear I may be cyber-stalking this blog, I want to leave comments on every single post.

Bakerella - I'm pretty sure that everyone around the blogosphere has seen Bakerella's cuteness on a stick designs but the reason I am including it here is that although I bookmark at least ten recipes a day I have actually attempted some from this site (Mama's Pecan Pies, Cowboy Cookie Mix and Oreo Truffles).

Eat Drink Chic - there are a million and one blogs out there posting fashion, recipes and design, but none of them consistently post things I love as much as Eat Drink Chic does.

I Do it Yourself - for the princess in me that dreams of my wedding day and the punk in me that will craft the favours, invites and decorations myself - iDiY is full of resources and inspiration, whether you're getting married or just dreaming of it.

I Still Love You - I am slowly making my way through the archives of this blog, there is so much I love about it. There are maybe 50 pictures in my inspiration file that I have saved from this site - you might love it too.

So there you go friends, maybe you'll find some new loves for your RSS feeder - please share some love and point me in the direction of some favourites from your blogroll - or plug your own page, we won't judge.



  1. Thank you so very much for putting me on this great list of blogs. I am humbled by the mention!!

    I'm bookmarking you so that I can read through your archives when I get home!


  2. i'm blushing. thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words. you made my day!

  3. Thanks, Charlotte!

    Sometimes I blush a little when I think of my blogging archives. I'm very flattered that you like them! Thank you for being so sweet!



  4. Thanks so much for mentioning us! We're so thankful for your kind words.

    Amber and Brandi

  5. Thanks for these great links! That post on blogging jealousy had me laughing out loud! I could totally relate!

    You have a lovely little space here!
